Media about us
Prestige Magazine issue 4 – Exequatur for Maciej Kaczmarski part 1
Prestige Magazine issue 4 – Exequatur for Maciej Kaczmarski part 2 14.12.2009 – Trip of children from the children’s home in Wrocław to Slovakia
University Review 12.2009 – Slovakia Days at the University
Ziemia Kłodzka, issue 189, december 2009, Slovakia Days for the first time in Wroclaw
10.06.2011 Reportaż II rocznica powstania konsulatu - Telewizja Dolnośląska
27.03.2009 Television Lower Silesia – information
25.11.2009 Slovakia Days in Wroclaw
26.11.2009 Economic cooperation
26.11.2009 Strawberry Wine
Ambassador at the Governor of the Lower Silesia Province
30.11.2009 Slovakia Days
Time for Lower Silesia
2009.03.25 Polish Radio Wroclaw – Information