A meeting The Honorary Consul Of Slovakia to Poland, Maciej Kaczmarski with a student of Junior High School in Jasło- a winner of the competition in the Academy Of The Young Diplomat.
On December 12, 2012 in the office of the Honorary Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Wrocław on Armii Krajowej 21 representants of the Main Board and Lower Silesian Department of the United Nations Peace Missions Veterans Association met with honorary Consul Maciej Kaczmarski. Participants of the meeting were also representants of the Slovak veterans: colonel engineer Daniel Kostra – director of the Veterans Department in Ministry of National Defense of the Slovak Republic, Colonel engineer Pavel Marco – Vice President of the War Veterans Union, Ewa Hercova – Assistant to the CEO of the General Staff Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic, colonel emeritus Doctor Jerzy Banach - Vice President of the Main Board and Lower Silesian department of the UN Peace Mission Association, colonel emeritus Zbigniew Adamski – Vice President of the Lower Silesian Department of the UN Peace Mission Association and Krystyna Banach – member of the Board of the Main and Lower Silesian Department of the UN Peace Mission Veterans Association.In the presence of the Honorary Consul Maciej Kaczmarski a partnership agreement between United Nations Peace Mission Veterans Association and Slovak Republic War Veterans Union was signed.